

Friday 31 March 2017

Huawei and Honor soon going to challenge Apple iPhones

American analyst firm Drexel Hamilton in a new report has said that soon Huawei combined with its Honor sub-brand will dethrone Samsung as the top Android smartphone manufacturer and become the biggest rival to Apple’s iPhones.

In a new report American analyst firm Drexel Hamilton has said that current mobile trends point to Huawei taking over as the lead manufacturer of Android smartphones in the world in turn becoming the biggest rival to Apple’s iPhones.

“I do expect the Chinese to knock off Samsung and that’s probably going to be Huawei,” Drexel Hamilton analyst Brian White told CNBC.

“I see it as a Huawei-Apple fight in the future, Samsung and probably some smaller competitors underneath them. Over the next three to five years some smartphone handset makers will go by the wayside,” he added.

In the fourth quarter of last year Apple and Samsung were roughly tied with around 18% of the global smartphone market each, according to IDC. Huawei had almost 11% globally.

The CNBC report also quotes GGV managing partner Hans Tung, a venture investor, claiming that Samsung might lose its chances against Apple in the long run.

“It is very difficult to come up with a phone that will wow consumers greatly,” he said, adding that Apple has an advantage over Samsung as it can control its own software and hardware.

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