

Saturday 1 April 2017

Twitter Drops Its Egg With An Expressive Image

 Twitter is ditching the iconic egg avatar that appears as a default profile picture.

It’s replacing it with a more generic image of a dark gray disembodied head on a light gray background.

In a blog post, twitter said the redesign is intended to “encourage” new and existing users to upload profile pictures rather than stick with the quirky egg.

But the company also notes the egg has become associated with “negative behavior” from trolls who create accounts simply to harass other users.

Twitter claimed this refresh was done for several reasons: First, to tie in with a brand update that was launched last year with the goal of highlighting “the diversity and expressiveness of the people around the world who make up the Twitter community, in all its color and vibrancy.”

Secondly, perhaps surprisingly, some people found the default egg image to be cute and decided to keep it around. “We want people to use this space to show us who they are,” the company explained. “The new default image feels more like an empty state or placeholder, and we hope it encourages people to upload images that express themselves.”

Lastly, the egg image was becoming an unintended symbol of harassment, which was starting to stereotype new users who hadn’t yet personalized their profiles. People using the default egg photo were automatically viewed with suspicion right from the start.

One could hope that new users, when they see this new default photo, will be inspired to upload a replacement image right away. Doing so could reduce one aspect of anonymity and, in a way, strip away another screen for trolls and harassers to hide behind. Will people be so bold as to berate others if people can see who they are? It’s not outside of the realm of possibility, but reducing the use of default images is part of a bigger plan by Twitter to reform itself so it’s no longer viewed as a place where harassment runs rampant.

Now, will the new default photo receive a warm welcome, or will it be viewed with skepticism like Twitter’s recent update where it removed usernames from the 140 character count in replies?

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